Instructions for authors

General information for authors

The text of the paper should bee submitted as a Microsoft Word 97/2000/2002/2003/2007 file. Original figures, photographs, maps, large diagrams and one set of copies should be included; the maximum size of original printed illustrations is 170 by 230mm. Figures and drawings created in a graphic programme should be submitted as a separate digital file. The total length of a paper, including illustrations and tables to be inserted into the text, should not exceed 12 A4 pages (1A4=1800 characters and spaces). The language of the journal is English. The author's data should include name, surname, degrees and address of authors. Please note that each article is anonymously (without name of the author(s)) reviewed by two reviewers. Author(s) will recieve article reviews with comments and suggestion to revise the manuscript (if necessary). If at least one of reviewers considers that the article does not fulfills the scientific terms of publication, Editorial board of the Acta Geoturistica journal can refuse the article publication.

Papers should be submitted in electronic form.

Submission of a manuscript requires that:
- the work has not been published before;
- the work has not been sent for consideration to other journal;
- all co-authors have approved the publication in the Acta Geoturistica journal.

Authors are required to ensure that no part of a manuscript (text, figures, tables, etc.) infringes existing copyrights, or the rights of a third party. Submitting author is responsible for the article during the submission and peer review process.

Submission of a manuscript to Acta Geoturistica implies that all authors have read and agreed to its content.

Along with the manuscript, the author(s) should send an author declaration declaring that author(s) has/have read and understood Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement of the Acta Geoturistica journal.

The publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for compensation.


The text should be typed using single spacing. The font type should be Times New Roman, 12 points. The paper should contain an Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Analysis (present state) of the problems, Used methods, Results, Discussion of the results, a Conclusion and References. All the headings should start from the left margin. Use maximum four levels of headings. The position of illustrations and tables in the text should be marked with a pencil at the left margin of the printed manuscript, or by indicating “Fig.X” in the electronic text file.


Illustrations must be of high quality. The maximum size of printed illustrations is 170 x 230 mm. Colour or black-and-white photographs should be sharp, with sufficient contrast. Their size in electronic form should be max. 2MB. A reference should be made in the text to every illustration. Each illustration should be identified by its number and the name(s) of author(s). In case of digital images, a list of figures and graphs should accompany the illustrations. Captions to the images should be written using Times New Roman font, size 10 points.


Tables should be given on a separate sheet (or Excel table) or incorporated in the text. Titles and an explanatory text of the tables should be written on a separate page (.doc file) or should accompany the tables in the text. For captions use Times New Roman, size 10 points.


All references cited in the text should be given in the reference list and vice versa. In the text, reference to the author's name (without initials), followed by the year of publication (both in parenthesis), e.g. one author – Michalko (1993) or (Michalko, 1993), two authors – Dowling and Newsome (2006) or (Dowling & Newsome, 2006) should be given. If a reference is made to a publication written by more than two authors, the name of the first author should be used, followed by “et al.”, e.g. Mello et al. (2008) or (Mello et al., 2008). Two or more citations within the same parenthesis should be divided by the semicolon, e.g. (Dowling & Newsome, 2006; Rybár et al., 2010). In the list of references, names of all authors should be given. Do NOT use "et al." in the list of references. References should be listed alphabetically and chronologically, with the authors always listed with their last (family) name first. When DOI link is available, it should be included with the reference.



Rybár, P. (2010) Assessment of attractiveness (value) of geotouristic objects. Acta Geoturistica, vol. 1, nr. 2, 13-21.

Hronček, P. and Weis, K. (2010) Possibilities of using historical mining maps in geo-tourism. Acta Geoturistica, vol. 1, nr. 2, 56-65.

Vizi, L., Janíčko, M. and Timčák, G.M. (2008) Tourism oriented GIS project for the district of Michalovce. Acta Montanistica Slovaca, vol. 13, nr. 2, 248-253 (In Slovak).

Vasiljević, Dj.A., Marković, S.B., Hose, T.A., Smalley, I., Basarin, B., Lazić, L. and Jović, G. (2011) Geoconservation of Loess-Palaeosol Sequences in the Vojvodina Region: significant Geoheritage of Serbia. Quaternary International. doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2010.07.008


Dowling, R. and Newsome, D. (2006) Geotourism. Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, 260 p.

Book chapter

Georgescu, M., Hirian, C., Cozma, E. and Cozma B. (2010) File in the history of sailferous mining. In: Mining in the Central Europe through history (Engel, J., Grujić, M., Rybár, P., Eds.). University of Belarade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Depart. of Mining; Technical University of Košice, BERG Faculty, Institute of Geotourism, p. 67-78.


Čuláková, M. (2003) The Belianske Tatry Geopark - a sustainable alternative of tourism development. In: Geotour 2003 - Proceedings (Lukáč, M., Grohol, M., Timčák, G.M., Eds.), Herľany, Slovakia, p. 59-68.

MSc. and PhD. thesis

Mulík, A. (2001) Qualitative assessment of natural phenomena. PhD. thesis. University of Matej Bel, Slovakia, 153 p.


Mello, M., Ivanička, J., Grecula, P., Janočko, J., Jacko, S. Jr., Elečko, M.,Pristaš, J., Vass, D., Polák, M., Vozár, J., Vozárová, A., Hraško, Ľ.,Kováčik, M., Bezák, V., Biely, A., Németh, Z., Kobulský, J.,Gazdačko, Ľ., Madarás, J. and Olšavský, M. (2008) General geological map of the Slovak Republic, Map sheet: 37-Košice (scale 1: 200,000). Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic, State Geol. Inst. Dionýz Štúr, Bratislava.

WEB sites

European Geopark Network, available at: (please include the date you accessed the site, e.g. 25. May 2009).


The Abstract should contain a concise description of the contents and main results of the paper. It should not be longer than 150 words, including the title. The Abstract should be placed after the title of the article and the name(s) of author(s). Use Times New Roman font of size 10.


A list of up to five keywords or key expressions should be provided.