GEOTOUR 2018 |
11 - 13 October, 2018 Salamandra Resort Hotel, Hodruša Hámre, Slovakia |
EN|SK | ||||||
Nature-based tourism forms, including, e.g., geotourism, mining tourism, ecotourism, etc., as a relatively new tourism forms with a special interest in the natural heritage significantly grew throughout the world in last decades. This development is closely connected to definitions and characterizations of these tourism forms, their ideology, relationships with other fields, and areas, impacts, and many other features that still require broad discussion. The international conference GEOTOUR 2018 will be held in Hodruša Hámre, near the historical mining town of Banská Štiavnica, (Slovakia) and will be devoted to all the issues of tourism research, with special emphasis on geotourism and mining tourism research, sustainable development and environmental protection. The conference aims to share and expand the theoretical knowledge and practical experiences within all fields of science and research related to conference topics integrated into following conference sections:
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GEOTOUR 2018 |